I’m back! Done with my hiatus, settling into Pacific Northwest life again and missing Germany terribly. My husband and I had an amazing wedding. Even though I had a terrible cold that day, I’m only remembering the wedding and not how miserable my body felt. When the official wedding photos come in, I’ll thinking about posting…
Boiled Potatoes: Part Two (Pellkartoffeln)
Here we have the next installment of the two part boiled potato post – boiling potatoes with the skins. It’s not very glamourous, and certainly not that different for Part One, but it’s the foundation for some wonderful recipes like schupfnudeln (my favourite!) and warm potato salad. While this isn’t much of a side dish, you…
Boiled Potatoes: Part One (Salzkartoffeln)
As I’m sure you all know, Germans love their potatoes. There are two main ways they are cooked as a foundation for a variety of potatoes dishes – boiled with skin off (Salzkartoffel), or with the skin on (Pellkartoffel). I just want to quickly demonstrate both ways so that in the future I can just refer back to…
Let’s make Vanilla Sugar (Vanillezucker)
Ahh, vanilla. The smell of reminds me of warmth, simplicity and comfort. It’s a commonplace but highly valued ingredient in baking and any baker worth their salt is going to a good quality extract in their spice cabinet. However, in most of Europe they don’t use vanilla extract. In fact, it’s pretty much non-existent at…